London IBM Retirees Club

Form Help

This page gives a short guide as how to view events and fill in the online booking forms.

To view the description for an event click on its name in the Latest Events page, the event calendar, or the Events Bulletin email.  To view details of the event’s location click on the location name in the event description page.

Each event description page has an “Event Booking” section towards the end. This includes an online booking form for the event.

All fields marked with an asterisk (‘*’) must be filled in.  The form cannot be submitted until data is entered in all such fields.

All fields without an asterisk (‘*’) are optional.  Please only enter data here if needed.  There is no need to enter “none”, “not applicable” etc.

Please use normal sentence case for all fields.  THE USE OF ALL CAPITALS is the Internet equivalent of shouting and is not good netiquette.  Proper nouns should be spelt with an initial capital letter followed by lower case letters.

When complete the form may be submitted either by pressing the “Submit” button at the end of the form or by pressing the return key.

Please do not make multiple bookings. For example, if you fill in and submit the online form you should not fill in the paper form!

If the submit function does not appear to work then scroll back up the form and correct any errors.  For fields with an error the title and box border will be coloured red and a message describing the problem will be displayed.

When your form is successfully submitted you are directed to the Form Receipt page. This confirms that your responses were successfully received and have been submitted for processing by the event organiser. For an actual booking you should check that the email address shown, which is taken from your booking form, is correct. If it is not please email the event organiser so that he is aware of your correct email address.

You should receive a confirmation email within ten minutes of submitting your form.  If you spot any mistakes please contact the event organiser and provide the appropriate corrections.  If this email has not arrived within this time please check your spam folder before contacting us.

Include leading zeroes where relevant.  For example, your personnel number may originally have been fewer than six characters long (eg 1234) but it is now six characters long (eg 001234).  Note that some personnel numbers consist of an upper case letter followed by five digits.

Our preferred payment method is via BACS; we refer to this as online payment. If you choose this method the event organiser will email you with details of how, when and how much to pay.

For further information about an event please contact the event organiser.  For help specifically with online booking please email stating: the event for which you are trying to book; the problem you are experiencing; and, where relevant, include a screenshot showing the issue.